The dengue outbreak in the Cook Islands is now officially over.
There have been no confirmed cases reported in the last 4 weeks.
Minister of Health Hon Vainetutai Rose Toki Brown together with Te Marae Ora would like to thank the public for their efforts in helping bring this outbreak under control.
“This most recent Dengue Type-2 (DENV-2) Outbreak was declared in early February and while it has taken some time, we are of course very pleased that the outbreak is now officially over”.
A total of 219 probable/confirmed cases were recorded, this included 9 from the Pa Enua (7 Aitutaki, 1 Mauke and 1 Mangaia).
There were sixty-one hospital admissions due to dengue.
The Public Health response included peri-focal spraying, risk assessments and inspections on Rarotonga and the Pa Enua, mosquito(larvae/adult) trapping in Aitutaki; Tutaka programmes; and mass clean ups and inspections on all islands.
“The ministry appreciates the work that has been done by members of our communities, out in the puna and government agencies and all those who joined the various clean-up operations over this period, beginning with Operation Namu 21 in mid-February. We are also grateful for the support of Church leaders, traditional leaders, NGOs and the private sector during this time” said Secretary of Health Bob Williams.
Te Marae Ora would also like to remind the public that while the dengue outbreak has now been declared over, we must still remain vigilant.
“The best way for people to play their part in the prevention of another dengue outbreak is by keeping their yards and outdoor areas clean and eliminating potential mosquito resting and breeding sites” said Mr Williams.
ENDS: Enquiries to Jaewynn McKay +682 55486