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Rarotonga Hospital changes: emergency department shifts to Tupapa Clinic plus new visiting rules

  • The Tupapa Clinic will now provide emergency medical care – the hospital’s emergency department is now closed.
  • The ‘coughs and colds’ flu clinic at Tupapa has closed with immediate effect.
  • If you require medical advice or attention free call 29667.

The hospital needs to be prepared to receive COVID-19 patients – that’s the urgent message from Te Marae Ora today as emergency care shifts from the hospital to Tupapa Clinic and new hospital visiting rules take immediate effect.

Visitors to the hospital will be limited to two adults per patient. Visiting hours will close at 3pm daily.

The hospital’s emergency department is moving today, and all urgent medical care will now be provided from the Tupapa Clinic. The coughs and colds flu clinic at Tupapa is now closed and phone consultations will be offered.

The changes have been implemented by Te Marae Ora (The Ministry of Health) to assist with the implementation of the Cook Islands Emergency Response Plan to COVID-19.

Secretary of Health Dr Josephine Aumea Herman says the changes will free up staff and capacity on the frontline. “We’re shifting our emergency service to free up capacity for a possible influx of high-need patients. These changes take effect immediately. We are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

“We simply can’t afford to have our frontline people tied up with avoidable injuries right now. I urge everyone to be extra careful on the roads – reduce speed and don’t drink and drive. If you’re feeling unwell, please call our free call Healthline on 29667. We have doctors and nurses on standby to assess you by phone.”

From tomorrow all 10 Puna will be activated and there will be health professionals located in each Puna.

Health officials encourage anyone requiring medical advice or attention to call 29667. All calls to the Healthline are free of charge. For up to date information visit

ENDS: Enquiries to Jaewynn McKay +682 55486